Growing Bigger Fruit on Fruit Trees

The fact that the fruits produced by their tree are significantly smaller than the ones they’re used to seeing at the grocery store generally surprises new tree gardeners. “What’s the matter with my tree?” “What have I done!” you may hear an unhappy tree grower exclaim. Small fruits, on the other hand, are a natural … Read more

Growing Shade Trees

If you’re looking to plant trees to shade your garden, you’ll probably want something that grows quickly and produces a lot of shade. With so many different varieties of trees available, you’ll have no trouble finding one that grows quickly and provides all the shade your garden requires to thrive. There are also other things … Read more

Finding Drought Resistant Trees

If you live in a water-stressed location, you know better than anybody that one of the factors determining whether a tree survives or not is your capacity to provide it with adequate water. Unfortunately, many individuals do not consider this when purchasing a tree. They will simply choose the most attractive tree and then wish … Read more

Different Kinds of Apple Trees

Previously, you could only purchase a couple of different types of apple trees. However, thanks to the miracles of genetic engineering, if you want to buy an apple tree, you can now choose from a wide variety of apples and flavors. Here, I’ll go over five popular apple varieties to consider for your first apple … Read more

Fruit Trees and Moths

It’s beneficial to have a steady supply of fresh fruit from your own garden. Many people put in a lot of effort to reach this aim. Many people, however, are unaware of how easy it is to have a big worm infestation in their fruit. Nothing is worse than biting into an apple off a … Read more

Fruit Trees and Birds

If you have a cherry tree in your yard, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how much happiness they can bring. Eating the luscious cherries that grew on your tree is a satisfying experience in and of itself. It’s also rewarding to look out your back window and see a magnificent, glorious … Read more

Dealing with Barren Fruit Trees

I get it. You bought a fruit tree for it’s abundance of fruit and then not only do you not get a lot of fruit, but it bears no fruit at all. It is one of the most irritating things that can happen to someone who has slaved for hours and hours to establish a … Read more

Caring Properly for your Fruit Tree

It is safe to assume that if you have only recently planted a new fruit tree, you are not yet an expert on the issue. Poor care habits kill more fruit trees than any disease or plague in their first years. As a result, it is critical that you understand how to care for trees … Read more

Basics of Composting

Many people who maintain gardens have a large amount of organic waste, from grass clippings to leaves and dead plants. Unfortunately, many waste money and time transporting these wastes to a landfill. It isn’t just a waste of good compost; it’s a waste of everything that goes into the process of transporting it (the garbage … Read more

What Goes in Compost Bins?

Composting is a process that helps organic matter decompose. This is done by breaking down the material into a soil like substance that can be used to improve the quality of soil. It is the process of breaking down organic matter such as food scraps, leaves, grass clippings, straw What you put in your compost … Read more