How to keep a patio heater from tipping over?

Patio heaters can be a great way to keep your outdoor space warm during the winter months, but they can also be dangerous if not used correctly. One of the most common ways that patio heaters can cause injuries is by tipping over. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for keeping your patio heater from tipping over.

But first what are type of patio heaters 

Types of Patio Heaters 

Electric patio heaters  

This  the most common type of patio heater. They are easy to use and typically don’t require any setup. Electric patio heaters can be either freestanding or wall-mounted.

Propane patio heaters 

A propane patio heater is a great option for those who want to heat their outdoor area without having an electrical outlet nearby. Propane patio heaters are often freestanding, but can also be wall-mounted. They use liquid propane as fuel and need refilling when empty.

Natural gas patio heaters 

Gas patio heater

Natural gas patio heaters are similar to propane ones, except that they use natural gas as fuel. They can be either freestanding or wall-mounted and need refilling when empty. Natural gas is more expensive than liquid propane but generally has fewer emissions since it burns cleaner than other fuels like gasoline or diesel fuel.

Outdoor patio heaters

Outdoor patio heaters are a great option for those who want to use their outdoor space all year round. They can be either freestanding or wall-mounted, but need refilling when empty and require an electrical outlet nearby. Outdoor patio heaters usually have higher BTU output than indoor ones because they don’t rely on the indoor temperature to heat up your space.

Fire pit patio heaters 

A fire pit patio heater is a great option for those who want an outdoor heater that can be used all year round, even during colder months when temperatures drop below freezing point. Fire pits are usually freestanding or wall-mounted and need refilling when empty. They use logs or charcoal as fuel and give off a great deal of heat.

Now that you know about the different types of patio heaters, let’s discuss some tips for keeping your patio heater from tipping over.

Tips for keeping your patio heater from tipping over

The following tips will help you use your patio heater safely 

Put Your Patio Heater Away from Walkways and Doors

One of the easiest ways to prevent your patio heater from tipping over is to put it in a safe place where people won’t be walking by or bumping into it. Make sure that the heater is away from walkways and doorways.

Use Caution When Filling Your Patio Heater With Fuel

Another common way that patio heaters cause injuries is by spilling fuel on the ground. When you’re filling up your patio heater, be sure to use caution so that you don’t spill any fuel onto the floor or other surfaces where someone could slip and fall.

Don’t Leave Your Patio Heater Unattended

If you have children in your home, it’s important to keep in mind that patio heaters can be a fire hazard if left unattended. Make sure to turn off your patio heater when you’re done using it and never leave it burning unattended.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always make sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safely using your patio  heater. Some heaters may require special care and maintenance, so it’s important to know what type of heater you have before using it.

Consider Mounted Patio Heater

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to keep your patio heater from tipping over, consider mounted heaters. These types of patio heaters are permanently installed in place so they don’t have any legs that could be knocked out from under them easily. They can also come with safety features like an auto shut-off feature if the heater falls over or gets knocked over.

Make sure the area around your patio heater is clear of debris: Another way to prevent tipping and falling accidents is by making sure that there isn’t any debris in the area where you’re using your patio heater. If you have pets, make sure they aren’t going near it either because they could knock it over.

Securing Your Patio Heater to a Stabilized Structure

Well positioned patio heater

If you want to keep your patio heater from tipping over, consider securing it to a stabilized structure like a table or bench. This will give it more stability and make it less likely that someone will accidentally bump into the heater and knock it down.

Add weight to your patio heater

If you want to keep your patio heater from tipping over, consider adding a few pounds of weight on top of it. You can use bricks or other heavy objects to do this so that the patio heater has some extra stability and isn’t as easy to tip over.

Add sandbags around base of your patio heater

Another option for adding weight to your patio heater is to use sandbags. You can place these around the base of the heater to keep it from tipping over.

Fixing Your Patio Heater to the Ground

If you’re using a gas patio heater, another way to keep it from tipping over is to fix it to the ground. You can do this by using a metal plate and screws to attach it to the ground. This will make it harder for the patio heater to move around or tip over.

Anti tilt feature on patio heaters

Gas heater with anti-tilt feature

Some patio heaters come with an anti-tilt feature which will turn off if it starts to tip over. Check your heater’s manual for more information on this type of safety device and how to use it properly.

Dangers of patio heater tipping over

There are many dangers associated with patio heaters tipping over. For example, they could fall on someone and cause injury or death; they may also start fires which could spread throughout your home if not contained quickly enough by firefighters before any damage occurs (this is especially true if you are using a propane-powered heater). It’s important that you take all the necessary precautions to prevent your patio heater from tipping over and causing any harm.