What Do Squirrels Eat?

Squirrels are omnivores that eat both plant and animal matter. This can include everything from tiny insects to nuts and seeds. Sometimes they’ll eat it right away and sometimes they’ll store food in their cheek pouches for later. Squirrels need to eat throughout the year and in all seasons. In the winter, when many of … Read more

Best Landscaping Trees

There is no better way to spruce up a new or old home than to plant a landscaping tree or two. These trees can add so much to your home, and they can even increase the value of your home if you decide to sell it. There are many various types of trees to choose … Read more

Pool Landscaping the Easy DIY Guide

A swimming pool in your backyard is a fantastic way to take advantage of the sunny summer months and have a lot of fun with family and friends. The beauty of your pool, the area available for parties, and even the addition of additional safety elements can all be improved with the proper landscaping. A … Read more

Backyard Landscaping: The Definitive Guide

Backyard landscaping is about many different things. It isn’t like landscaping the front yard where you’re trying to have the best house on the block. All well manicured and looking fresh all year around. The backyard is where you and your family LIVE. And as such, your backyard landscaping will have to address a variety … Read more

Desert Landscaping

If you live in a dry and arid area, your desert landscaping will require a little more thought than in other regions of the country. Desert landscaping will require a strategy that includes just plants and trees that use far less water than other plants. It is pointless to plant something if it cannot support … Read more

Concrete Landscapes

When you hear the word concrete, you might not think of it as something you’d want in your yard, but concrete landscaping has gone a long way in the last decade or two. Concrete landscaping is now popular and highly attractive. Concrete landscaping can be used in a variety of areas of your yard. For … Read more

Intro to Water Gardening

There are numerous new gardening trends emerging, and one of the most popular is water gardening. Water gardening can include waterfalls, ponds, and fountains, all of which can be improved with rock work, lights, plants, and fish. Water gardening does not have to include a pond or a natural water supply; it can just consist … Read more

Intro to Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable gardening is now as popular as going to the grocery store for produce. Vegetable gardening can generate crops that are typically less expensive than store-bought veggies, and ones grown at home taste considerably superior. Vegetable gardening is similar to producing herbs or flowers in that if the necessary procedures are done and the plants … Read more

Intro to Container Gardening

If you enjoy gardening but lack the necessary area, don’t despair; gardening is not necessarily out of your reach. You may build container gardening in any available space in your home, such as a balcony, patio, deck, or sunny window, which will not only bring you delight but also veggies. So, are you ready to … Read more

Intro to Rose Gardening

Roses have a bad reputation for being difficult to grow and maintain over the years. If you want to grow roses, don’t let this rumor deter you. While rose gardening can be difficult at first, if you get the hang of it, it actually isn’t that bad. When you first begin rose gardening, you must … Read more